If you are unsure if your planter and tractor is set up for recording data, contact your Podolinsky Precision Ag Specialist for assistance!

If you are setup with an Operations Center account, your data can flow wirelessly to your smart phone, computer or tablet for FREE using JDLink . Having your data in Operations Center will allow you to take advantage of leading analysis features, to compare varieties, planting dates, and many other variables that occur through the growing season.

Download JDLink  on your Android or Apple device today for FREE.

Properly setting up your monitor to document varieties and field boundaries is the first step in data management, this information can be used to create setup files to put into your sprayer, tractors or combine. A setup file contains field boundaries, guidance lines, products, and variety data. Putting a setup file into your combine monitor allows you to use VARIETY LOCATOR which saves time at harvest, and allows you to focus on combining, rather than worrying about keeping track of where you planted specific varieties in the spring.

How To Create a Setup File:

Not setup for infield documentation but want to keep track of your planting dates, varieties and fields? No problem! With the Operations Center mobile app, you are able to manually enter data such as planting date, fields, varieties, planting depth and much more!

How to Edit Data in Operations Center Mobile:

To learn how to use John Deere Operations Center to create Variable Rate Prescriptions, click here.