2024 John Deere StarFire™ 6000 with SF1
ReceiverFaster pull-in time and improved performance in shaded conditions
Provides +/- 6 inch pass-to-pass accuracy
Options to upgrade for enhanced accuracy and longer term repeatability
Rapid Recovery feature can quickly re-acquire lost signals
Features may include:
StarFire™ 6000 Receiver- Customize accuracy and repeatability to meet the needs of the operation
- Get started faster with improved pull-in performance
- Maximize uptime to keep the job moving
Selecting the right correction signal- Achieve critical accuracy of in-field operations
- As equipment gets larger and margins tighter, accuracy of in-field operations and input placement is more critical than ever.
- When making a pass in a field, traveling from one end of the field to another, the position accuracy of the return pass is critical. Pass-to-pass accuracy means the planter guess rows will be accurate and subsequent passes are less likely to result in crop damage.
Get started faster with improved pull-in performance- SF3: Less than 30 minutes
- SF3: Less than 20 minutes with StarFire 6000 Integrated